Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Being Busy and reading books

What's On Your Nightstand

When I am really busy, I mean, overwhelmingly busy- I procrastinate. Eventually I get it all done but when I am feeling overwhelmed I will do anything to avoid the task....So I wrote this at work, and I am publishing it now. Ever notice how when you say you have no time to blog, you suddenly find the time?

So I am blogging! and reading! and writing! and looking at all the camping supplies on my living room floor and hoping that I magically have enough stuff and it all packs itself inside my car. Cinderella's mice friends perhaps? Anyone got a magic wand for me?

So the books. My boyfriend, wonderful guy he is, bought me a Kindle as my early anniversary gift. This little device will be the death of me. I Love love love love it, too much. To the point that I am reading more than anything else lately. (this also means that I have to get him something really really nice and thoughtful for our anniversary)

So anyway what am I reading? I just finished the first 3 books of the Twilight series By Stephanie Meyer. They are extremely easy reads but I wanted to know what everyone was talking about. I hate not knowing what is going on. The books are interesting and engaging. They are the kind of page turners that make a liar out of you when you say "I will go to bed after I read this chapter" and the clock already says 1:30 am. The next time you look up its 3 am and you only have 50 pages left until your done with the whole book so you finish it and download (thank you Kindle) the next in the series.

The love story is teenage but nice, at least for me, becuase I still wish I was closer to 18 then 30. I love mythology type stuff and the author's take on vampire legends is different yet in congruence with the current popular mythology. I like how the Book is told through the eyes of Belle, the main character....but I have no idea how they are going to translate it into a movie. I know all books are better than there movie kin, but in this case I am not even sure I want to see it. I just don't think a translation can be done.

So, after those books I started Confessions of an Ugly Stepsister by Gregory Maguire. He is the same author that wrote Wicked and Son of a Which. I loved both of those books and thought that I should give some of his lesser known stuff a try. So far, I am not liking this one as much but I am only about 4 chapters in. I am hoping that it will get better.

And yes, that is my Kindle sitting on a Coleman portable toilet...I really hope that I don't ever have to use it...wish me luck.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I'm intrigued by the Kindle. I wonder if it is the same as reading a real book? I am on the computer so much, I don't know if I'd like to stare at another screen?? Am I wrong??

I just went camping last weekend. The packing and unpacking is a bear.